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Yes, Yes, Yes. Sudan is [Finally] Making Peace with Israel

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Another huge diplomatic bombshell dropped just before Shabbat. Sudan, known to Israelis as the home of the famous "No, No, No" Arab League conference after the Six-Day War, is set to make peace with Israel. That conference clearly stated - "no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no peace with Israel." And now, in this upside down year of 2020, it has all been turned on its head.

Unlike the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Sudan is a poor and war-torn country who actually fought against Israel (they sent soldiers in the 1947 War of Independence) and continued to actively support terrorism against Israel. There is no real economic gain here for Israel (apart from perhaps some development and investment) and the Sudanese people are not overly thrilled about it (though they will absolutely benefit from Israeli technology and know-how, especially in the agricultural arena). However, if this new Sudanese government wants to get back into the community of nations - and the economic development that could provide - they know that rejecting terrorism and Iranian influence and making peace with Israel are the ways to do it.

As a tour guide of Israel, the dizzying rate at which everything is happening is sometimes even hard for me to keep track of. Fortunately for you, however, I have put it all together right here to be able to follow along and understand what just happened, why and why it's important.

For a 1-minute history on the famous 3 Noes, click here:

For some great analysis of all this, click here:

For the basics on the deal click here:

And of course, the Palestinians are not happy about this: [The President of Sudan interestingly, as head of the Arab League delegation to Jordan during the Black September conflict in 1970, smuggled Yasser Arafat out of the country. For more on that crazy story, you can watch here:]

Keep in mind that there are still a few hoops to jump through. The US Congress needs to agree to remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The Israeli parliament needs to ratify any treaty and, most importantly, the not-yet-existent Sudanese parliament needs to do so as well.

One interesting issue will be about Sudanese refugees and migrants who fled here as far back as 2003 and whose status here has still yet to be determined. Here are some basics on the situation as well as a modest proposal for how to proceed (finally).

And already, in a sign of good faith, Israel is sending $5 million in wheat to Sudan.

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