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Visualize the Impossible: An Interactive Online Einstein Experience

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Many of us know Albert Einstein as Time Magazine's Greatest Person of the 20th century, the founder of the theory of relativity, E=mc2, the guy who made the bad hair day cool and the person with the most tongue-wagging swag until Michael Jordan. But did you know that he visited pre-state Israel, was offered to be the country's second president (he and Ben Gurion would have made a great hair pair, but alas he politely declined), was a founder of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and bequeathed it his personal and scientific writings including his hand-written copies of the aforementioned famous theories?

Now Hebrew University - where I studied and later on worked while studying to become a tour guide of Israel - is creating an incredible online exhibition and interactive platform to coincided with the 100-year anniversary of Einstein's Nobel Prize in Physics. It's already being called "one of the most exciting immersive platforms of the decade.”

You can learn more about the exhibition, titled "Visualize the Impossible," here:

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