What was just found in Israel is incredibly rare. So rare in fact that it is the first time anything like it from the Iron Age has been found in the entire Southern Levant region. What we are talking about are magnetized ancient artifacts that can not only tell us about the Earth’s electromagnetic field at the time, but in this case, can be pinpointed to an exact date. That is because we are talking about the day of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem, on the 9th of the Jewish month of Av in the year 586 BCE. As a tour guide of Israel I can walk around the Old City of Jerusalem and point out that particular day in history all over the place. Never once did I think that the evidence of my city’s destruction could be the key to our planet’s salvation. You know, except for prophecy :)
That is because the study of the Earth’s electromagnetic field may actually be the key to understanding and predicting climate change as well as other things. For more on this incredible discovery, check out the article and the video below:
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