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The Israeli Security Tech That Every School/Synagogue Must Have

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

An amazing piece of Israeli tech is about to revolutionize the ability of first responders to react to active shootings in progress - as well as to alert everyone in the area of where an active shooting is taking place (to help guide people to safety). Meet Gabriel. It's a new piece of Israeli tech that every school, synagogue, Jewish communal building and any other (unfortunately) potential targets - and even soft targets where people gather such as shopping centers, nightclubs, etc. - should absolutely have.

As a tour guide of Israel who runs an Israel tech tour, this is incredibly exciting, but not only when it comes to the tech involved. I always tell my participants, if you want to create a great startup, that your goal should be to look for a need that is not being met, which will make the world a better place. And not only is this a perfect example of that, but it was created by a fellow new immigrant to Israel from the US, who is even a rabbi! Yasher Koach.

For more on my hi-tech tour of Israel click here:

Here is an interview with the founder who explains how Gabriel works:

You can go straight to their website right here:

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