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The Cooperation Between Israel and the Gulf is Exploding

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

So much has been happening when it comes to the developing of civil ties and cooperative efforts between Israel and the Persian Gulf that it is hard to keep track. The excitement in both societies is palpable. Fortunately, I am here, as your tour guide of Israel, to let you know about all the incredible things that are already underway...

1) A deal has been signed between Israeli and UAE film schools.

2) Arabs from the Persian Gulf states are rushing to learn Hebrew.

3) There is a renewed push in Israel to require learning Arabic as well.

4) Israel and Bahrain have signed off on 8 cooperative agreements.

5) UAE is looking to Israel to help solve its food problem (they import 90% of their food) through Israel's desert agricultural technology.

6) Israeli and UAE psychologists are teaming up together on joint research projects.

7) Israel's biggest pop star, Omer Adam, has been partying in the UAE for over two weeks now, celebrating both Simchat Torah and his birthday in Dubai.

8) Maccabi Haifa and UAE's top team Al-Ain will play a friendy soccer match in Abu Dhabi.

9) Israeli Golan Heights wine to go on sale in the UAE.

10) Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital is in negotiations to open a branch... in Dubai.

11) Tel Aviv University and the TRENDS Research and Advisory Center in Abu Dhabi have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which is the first stop towards an official academic partnership.

12) Meanwhile an article came out on CNN? about Israelis and Emiratis wanting to show each other their countries.

13) And a blog post on the Times of Israel website by a young Emirati explained why they want peace with Israel.

14) Finally, a report came out that Israel already established a secret embassy in Bahrain - 11 years ago.

All this has been announced in just the past week alone. Is there anyone out there who still seriously believes that this was all about Iran, arms deals or money?

Here is a similar post I made one month ago about the people-to-people ties being developed:

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