Here is something I thought I would never see...
a) a professional Israeli hockey player
b) said player signing a contract to play in Europe
c) the team he is playing for is Oswiecim in Poland
d) Oswiecim is the name of Polish town where the Nazis built a place called Auschwitz
Recap: an Israeli, Jewish guy playing ice hockey by Auschwitz
[I suppose it's better than playing in Kazakhstan (where he has played the last several years), at least according to Borat.]
It's either an incredible opportunity for tikkun olam (healing the world) or a sign that the apocalypse is upon us. You decide. As for me, a tour guide of Israel, I'm just excited we have a national hockey team to root for. Usually they just ask anybody who made Aliyah from Canada if they help out the country and join the squad for a few weeks.
Anyway, the entire crazy story can be found here:
You can watch his highlight reel from last season here:
And hey... it's my 200th blog post :)
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