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Online Sunday Classes on the Biblical Sites that Jesus Walked

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

It has been one of the distinct pleasures of my professional life to partner with Pastor Dr. Kevin Dieckilman as the guide for his Israel study tours. He is an outstanding teacher and spiritual role model and a man who truly loves the Land of Israel, the People of Israel, the State of Israel and the God of Israel. Together we lead several two week spiritual experiences in Israel each year for Christians.

[In addition to being an observant Jew, I am also a PK - a preacher's kid. My mother is a Jew and I was brought up in a Jewish home, but my biological father is a Protestant minister and my step-mother is a Catholic theologian. As a tour guide of Israel - no matter your background - I speak your language.]

In addition to introductory tours, Dr. Dieckilman also runs a number of "second coming" tours for former participants as well as an Israel culinary tour. You can find out more about these incredible opportunities via his organization One Heart for Israel, here:

Due to travel being currently suspended because of COVID-19, Dr. Dieckilman will be leading an online class starting this coming Sunday on the the sites of the Bible. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the land that Jesus walked and prepare yourself for coming to the Holy Land.

Don't forget to follow me on FB, Instagram and/or Twitter to get all my blog post updates:

And check out - and share - my videos on YouTube :

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