I just finished giving my first online class (info to come about those soon) as a tour guide of Israel. That being said, there are some incredibly accomplished individuals giving online classes and lectures that I wanted to share with you.

Series 1: Orthodoxy in the 21st Century
Tuesday August 11 at 7:30PM Eastern Time: Global Citizenship and Social Justice with one of "my rabbis," Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, Founder and President of Uri L'Tzedek and the #1 Jew in the World when it comes to Social Justice
TBD: Hot Topics in Jewish Education
Thursday August 27 at 7:30PM Eastern Time: LGBTQ in the Orthodox World
Tuesday September 8 at 7:30PM Eastern Time: Female Clergy and Leadership
For more information on the speakers and to register for the classes click here:
Series 2: The History of the Sephardi Jews
What was daily life like for the Jews during their almost fifteen-hundred-year sojourn in the Iberian Peninsula?

This course will explore the social and religious aspects of Iberian Jewish life, from its origins in early Roman times, through its development under Islam, down through the expulsions and forced conversions to Christianity. It will conclude with a discussion on the early years of the Sephardic diaspora, touching on themes of communal crisis, demographic shifts, and cultural transformation. Teacher is Dr. Benjamin Gampel, the Dina and Eli Field Family Chair in Jewish History at Jewish Theological Seminary,
Thursday, August 13 – Sephardic Jewry Comes of Age: How Golden Was It? Thursday, August 20 – The Muslims Fall and the Christians are Triumphant: And What About the Jews? Thursday, August 27 – Riots, Inquisition and Expulsion: The Birth of the Sephardic Diaspora
All classes are at 10:30AM Eastern Time.
There is a cost for this course - $66.
To register, click here: https://www.92y.org/class/from-the-golden-age-to-expulsion
Photos Below: : The painting is from the Esnoga - the Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam in 1680. The picture of the smaller synagogue is the attached winter synagogue/school of the community and my family's name appears on the plaques on the wall several times, dating back as far as 1676, one year after the synagogue was built. Part of my family was kicked out of Spain in 1497 and then again from Portugal in 1497 before heading to the Netherlands.
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And check out - and share - my videos on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCli9MpzZdJHSeiDXNFjM5QA
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