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Mazal Tov! Ama're Stoudemire Officially Converts to Judaism

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Yesterday basketball legend Ama're Stoudemire made it official: he is a Jew. At a ceremony in the Israeli town of Bnei Brak, Stoudemire went in front of the Beit Din - a Jewish court - and also immersed himself in a mikveh - a Jewish ritual bath. And just like that Ama're Stoudemire became Yehoshafat ben Avraham, his new Hebrew name, which means "God will Judge, Son of Abraham."

Over the years, I have come to deeply respect Ben Avraham for his never-ending search for truth, meaning, knowledge and justice. The same incredible drive and dedication that led him to become a 6-time NBA All-Star and 4-time All-NBA team member on a basketball court [as well as a two-time Israeli champion] has also led him home to the Jewish people officially today at the Jewish court. The incredible spiritual journey of self-discovery on which he embarked is truly an inspiration to us all.

Below are a few photo highlights from his journey: his marriage, meeting the late President Shimon Peres, becoming a player-owner for the Hapoel Jerusalem basketball team, getting Israeli citizenship, starting his kosher wine line [I need to add that to my Israel culinary tour], studying Judaism, getting his own mural in Jerusalem, attending Hillel when he began university classes, winning his second Israeli championship (this time with the rival Maccabi Tel Aviv team) and being named MVP, appearing in front of a Jewish court and more.

And no, just because I'm a tour guide of Israel and a Jerusalem resident and know where he lives/d, does not mean I will take you to visit his home. So please people, stop asking already. And to Ama're - Yehoshafat - Mazal tov ach sheli (congratulations, my brother)! Welcome to the tribe!

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