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Israeli TV/Movies Update: Fauda, Shtisel, Emmys & New Films

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

As your tour guide of Israel - and guide to Israel's arts and culture scene - this past week has been full of huge announcements. Let's get you caught up with everything going on here...

Israelis were disappointed to awake on Monday morning and find out that acclaimed young actress Shira Haas did not win an Emmy for Outstanding Actress in a Limited Series. It would have been the first Emmy ever by an Israeli [though a hit Israeli show Ramzor won an International Emmy a decade ago].

Haas was Israel's first-ever Emmy nominee, for her role in "Unorthodox." Still, the night was full of Jewish - and even Israeli - connections. For more, click here:

For those whom for some reason are interested in what she is wearing.... well, here is your full rundown:

Haas can comfort herself, perhaps, by knowing that on Friday, she was named to the Jerusalem Post's Top 50 Most Influential Jews of 2020 list.

The big news of course this week though is.....

Fauda is coming back for Season 4. Sorry... no dates are known yet.

If you missed the trailer for the upcoming Season 3 of Shtisel which came out last week, check it out below. You can learn more abou the upcoming season - as well as two new interesting new Israeli shows "Embezzlement" and "Chef" here:

I'm really looking forward to seeing the new movie "The Secrets We Keep," by Israeli director Yuval Adler and starring Noomi Rapace from "The Girls with the Dragon Tattoo." It is a thriller about a Roma woman [although the original script called for her to be Jewish] living in the American South post-WWII, who kidnaps a man she believes was a Nazi war criminal who tortured her during the Holocaust. For more about it click here:

You could also watch the trailer below, just be aware that it might give away more info than you would like...

Meanwhile, Sacha Baron Cohen will be playing the famous Jewish anti-war protester Abbie Hoffman in acclaimed director Aaron Sorkin's new film, "The Trial of the Chicago 7," which is due out on Netflix on October 16. The story of social protests and unrest could not be more timely and Baron Cohen could not be more perfect for the role - his thesis in university was about the Civil Rights Movement. Learn more about it here and/or check out the trailer below.

Finally, the Israeli Film Archive website is giving access to thousands of films and clips in its collection. WOW! Check out this incredible opportunity here:

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