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Israeli PM Netanyahu's Address to the UN & the People of Lebanon

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

In case you missed it, here is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's full address to the United Nations yesterday (video and text below).

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And the video... (courtesy of your tour guide of Israel)

Incredibly he spoke directly to the people of Lebanon, trying to show them how Hezbollah is endangering them by essentially using them as human shields. Not long after he spoke, the Israel Defense Forces tweeted out the locations of Hezbollah bomb-making and missile sites in urban areas. Hezbollah keeps them under apartment buildings, knowing that Israel won't attack the sites, due to the presence of hundreds if not thousands of civilians in the area [it's the same reason that Hamas has its headquarters under the main hospital in Gaza]. This, however, may lead to some sanctions on Lebanon (as Hezbollah is for all extensive purposes, the government). And if for some odd reason, you think this isn't a big deal. Well a) remember the giant blast at the Beirut Port last month and b) this happened last week -

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