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Israeli Peace Deals with Lebanon, Jordan, UAE and Hamas?

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

With all the talk going on about Israel and Lebanon sitting down to figure out their maritime border this week - and the Israeli cabinet actually signing off on the UAE-Israel peace deal today (the Israel-Bahrain one actually has not been written yet), lost in the shuffle were two other diplomatic breakthroughs that occurred at the end of last week. Here's an update from your tour guide of Israel...

Israel and Jordan signed an aviation agreement which allows for flights flying over one country to fly over the other. It's amazing that despite signing a peace deal - 25 years ago - that the airspace issue hadn't been worked out until now. For more on what this means, click here:

Israel has apparently reached a 6-month truce/cease-fire with Hamas, the terrorist organization which controls the Gaza Strip. While clearly this is not a long-term solution, with everyone dealing with the economic and health crisis brought on by COVID-19, this is a stopgap that will benefit both sides. Of course Hamas could agree to the same thing but on a permanent basis (not likely), but I'll take 6 months for now. Let's just hope that it lasts. Hamas has called for a "hudna" or armistice, before, based on the Prophet Mohammed's armistice with the Quraysh in Mecca, at a time when Mohammed's army was not strong enough to defeat them. That treaty was supposed to last for almost 10 years, but just two years later, things had changed, and Mohammed's army went and slaughtered the Quraysh. It was this term - "hudna" - which was referred to over and over by Yasser Arafat when it came to the Oslo Accords when speaking in Arabic. So again, let's hope it lasts. For more on this agreement - and the price - click here:

If you missed my post about Israel and Lebanon's maritime border negotiations set to commence this week, click here:

For more on the Israeli cabinet's authorizing the peace treaty with the UAE - it still needs to get ratified by the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) later this week - click here:

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