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Israel is Open Again and Letting in Tourists from 34 Countries

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Israel has emerged now from a second lockdown, which was enacted over the Jewish holidays. While indoor spaces such as museums are still closed, the national parks are now open and more and more places will be opening in the coming weeks. As a tour guide of Israel, I cannot be more excited to get back to work providing incredibly meaningful, memorable and enjoyable experiences here for my clients.

At this point, Israel has identified 34 green countries. These are countries from which a traveler will not be required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in Israel.

A few important things to note:

1) The English speaking countries are Canada, Australia, New Zealand. You can see the list below, however, make sure to look for where it says updates - due to second waves, a number of the countries are going from green to red, notably the UK and Ireland (currently green but that will change in two days).

2) If one has a flight connection through a red country, and is only in the airport (for less than 12 hours), it will not require quarantine upon arrival in Israel.

3) One cannot just show up on a flight, however. You need to get permission to enter the country and there still are some restrictions in place, however not having to quarantine (for those green countries) removes a huge impediment to restarting tourism. For the current protocols, click here:

4. Update 10/25: Business travelers from green countries will now be allowed into Israel for up to 7 days - with no covid test or quarantine necessary. Again, permission needs to be received in advance. For more click here:

Ben Gurion Airport is now open and we can't wait to welcome you here again.

Just remember to be like the Notorious DBG and be smart and stay safe :).

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