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Writer's pictureKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Hotel Corona: Where Israelis, Palestinians, Religious and Secular Live Together

Updated: Aug 21, 2020

In my last post I talked about the dangers of the anti-normalization trend among Palestinians and their supporters.

Well, in a situation that was anything but normal, Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, religious and secular all found themselves living under the same roof of the Dan Hotel in Jerusalem, henceforth known as "Hotel Corona." And some amazing things started to happen as barriers - both literal and figurative ones - came down.

It's amazing what can happen when people are allowed to see the humanity in each other. Check out the article and the report below for more...

Fun fact: This is actually the hotel where one Israeli tourism minister was assassinated and another tried to hide out so he couldn't get fired. As a tour guide of Israel, it hasn't been my favorite place to go, but I have to give them their props for this...

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