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Free Online Series on the Dead Sea Scrolls Starts Sunday

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Beginning on Sunday, there will be a 3-part weekly series on the Dead Sea Scrolls co-sponsored by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Beit Avi Chai in Jerusalem. The Dead Sea Scrolls are universally recognized as one of the top 10 archaeological discoveries in history - it's not just "Israel tour guide speak." The topics and times can be found below...

From the Israel Antiquities Authority: "The discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls in a remote Judean Desert cave in 1947 is widely considered the greatest archaeological event of the twentieth century. Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists ultimately found the remains of hundreds of ancient scrolls. These fragile pieces of parchment and papyrus, including the oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Bible, were preserved for two thousand years by the hot, dry desert climate and the darkness of the caves where they were placed. The scrolls provide an unprecedented picture of the diverse religious beliefs of ancient Judaism, and of daily life during the turbulent Second Temple period when Jesus lived and preached. If you would like to hear more (believe us - you do) mark the dates below:"

The Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls With Orit Rosengarten Sunday I Nov. 1 I 8pm Israel (1pm EST)

Conservation and Preservation of the Dead Sea Scrolls With Dr. Ilit Cohen-Ofri Sunday I Nov. 8 I 8pm Israel (1pm EST)

Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? What we know and the mysteries that remain With Dr. Oren Ableman Sunday I Nov. 15 I 8pm Israel (1pm EST) The series will be held in English and will be live-streamed on their Facebook page here:

You can also sign up for it at the Bet Avi Chai website and you will get an invitation to a Zoom meeting.

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