If you have ever been on tour with me - your Israel tour guide - to Tel Aviv, one thing you hopefully remember is that Tel Aviv was founded as a progressive and innovative city. The first modern Hebrew-speaking, Jewish, Zionist city, Tel Aviv has never forgotten its driving mantra. And now Tel Aviv is set to make history yet again...
Tel Aviv is enacting a pilot program to introduce electric bus routes to the city - by using electric roads as opposed to just electric buses. "The technology allows for electric vehicles to traverse roads without needing to recharge and has an estimated technical lifespan of approximately 40 years if properly maintained." This would make it the world's first city to use this technology for a public routes on a large scale. I can't wait to try it out :)
Here is an update on electric buses from last year and why they haven't taken off (outside of China); https://www.wired.com/story/electric-buses-havent-taken-over-world/
Naturally an Israeli-company has the solution to the main problem inhibiting wide-scale use: making charging stations unnecessary. And not only can it be used for buses, but this new wireless electric road smart system would allow electric cars to charge themselves as they drive. Here is an interview with one of the company co-founders... https://www.autofutures.tv/2019/10/13/electreon-smart-roads/
I look forward to hopefully being add this as a stop on my Israel tech tour. Want to check out all the new and incredible innovations coming out of Start-Up Nation? You need to come on my hi-tech tour of Israel! For more click here: https://www.tourguideofisrael.com/hi-tech-tours
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