A new initiative is collecting some of Israel's top chefs' favorite recipes. The first one published is from Uri Jeremias - the famous owner/chef of the Uri Buri fish/seafood restaurant in Akko. As a tour guide of Israel - and one who leads a mouth-watering Israel culinary tour - it is one of the places my clients most rave about [note: it is for non-kosher or kosher-style diners].
Recently Uri Buri was named among the Top 25 restaurants in the world for fine dining by Trip Advisor. For more on the award (and lots of amazing photos of their signature dishes) click here: https://www.tourguideofisrael.com/post/israeli-restaurant-uri-buri-named-in-top-25-worldwide
To see the recipe for Uri's famed Barramundi in Lemon Sage Butter with Cauliflower Puree click here: https://www.israel21c.org/fine-dining-at-home-courtesy-of-israeli-chef-uri-jeremias/
And one day, when you get here for real, you can pick up Uri Buri's famous cookbook which is more like the fish bible - how to purchase, transport, store, and bone fish and much more (unfortunately it is not currently in stock on Amazon).
In the meantime, maybe pick up this fish for your Shabbat dinner table :) Shabbat Shalom!
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