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Could Israel's Cars Run on... Watermelons? + Fun Recipes

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

At the end of the famous movie Back to the Future, Doc Brown grabbed some trash and threw it in the The Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor at the back of the DeLorean time machine. Trash became fuel and off they went.

In recent years, bio-ethanol-powered vehicles have become a reality - or at least a possibility. In Israel, an unlikely source of ethanol [as well as lycopene] has manifested itself. Watermelons. Could Israel's cars actually end up running on watermelons? Find out here...

Just want to enjoy watermelon the old-fashioned way (by eating it) but with some new-fangled twists? Try these amazing Israeli recipes for salad, yogurt, jam, soup, vinaigrette and of course cocktails...

As any tour guide of Israel can tell you, the best part of going to the beach in the summer is grabbing a plate of watermelon with bulgarian/feta cheese. [A close second would be the watermelon ice cream.] The worst part? choose between jellyfish (for about a month) and way too many guys in Speedos. [Note people: the sting goes away... the sight leaves permanent scars...]

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