If I have said it once, I've said a million times. If you want to have amazing, authentic and healthy hummus, you need to get off of your tuchis (Yiddish for rear-end) and get yourself over to Israel. None of this supermarket plastic container stuff (and definitely no "white bean kale pumpkin spice white people hummus"). Now, there is a new reason. This fake hummus is killing you.

That's right. A new report came out about a carcinogen in a bunch of store-bought hummus brands - including Sabra which is already had a prior recall a few years ago. Not to mention, there was a huge recall last year of over 75 brands due to a possible listeria contamination.
To know which brands to remove from your shopping list, click here:
Remember: If you want the real stuff - and a whole lot more yummy, worldly and authentic delights - you need to come on an Israel culinary tour with your trusty tour guide of Israel. For more, click here: https://www.tourguideofisrael.com/culinary-tours
If you are having trouble understanding the concept of no supermarket-bought hummus, here is a public service announcement from my Lebanese culinary & comedy brother-in-arms, GoRemy...
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