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A 2000-Year Old Date Palm Finally Becomes a Father & More...

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

As a tour guide of Israel, one of my favorite stories here revolves around a Jewish rebels healthy snack almost 2000 years ago when battling the Romans. A date pit was found in the storehouses of the famous Judean Desert fortress - Masada - which was besieged by - and ultimately captured by - the Romans in the year 73 CE/AD. The date pit was brought to the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and a modern miracle occurred. Like something out of Jurassic Park, they manage to grow an actual date palm from the two-millennium old seed, which they named Methesulah (after the Biblical figure who lived the longest life).

Now Methuselah, at the ripe old age of 15 + 1947, has finally become a father. Date palms have male and female versions and only the females bear fruit. So finally there was a chance to see what the ancient Judean date palm - known world-wide in ancient times as producing the world's best dates - had to offer us from a culinary perspective. There is a reason that Israel was known as the Land of Milk and Honey (Date Honey)!

For more on the story check out the New York Times article here:

Make sure to read about the experience of Yosef Abramowitz - Israel's solar energy guru - who became the third person to taste one (after the two researchers themselves, naturally):

And if you find this awesome, check out this new way Israeli agricultural research is helping to save the world...

And if you are still here reading about trees, check out these photos of the bonsai trees at the Japanese Garden located at the Netanya Planetarium (Planetanya). Can you find which one is the Israeli-hybrid? That's right - there in the middle - a bonsai olive tree!!

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