As an Israel tour guide who leads food and wine tours of Israel, I am always on the lookout for great wines to be able to recommend to my clients. So of course it's important to keep an eye on the major world wine competitions to see how Israeli wines are faring.
The 2020 Decanter Wine Awards - the biggest wine competition in the world - just announced its winners. 18 Israeli wineries received commendations (it is unknown how many of the 400+ wineries in Israel participated). 69 Israeli wines received commendations with 6 receiving Gold Medals for scores of 95-96, 31 receiving Silver Medals for scores of 90-94, 28 receiving Bronze Medals for scores of 86-89 and 4 being commended for scores of 83-85.
Unfortunately no Israeli wines entered received a Best in Show award nor a Platinum award (97-100).

Here are the 6 Gold Medal winners, all of which were red wines:
Psagot - Peak 2016 (96)
Gvaot - Gofna Reserve Cabernet Franc 2017 (95)
Shiloh - Secret Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 (95)
Shiloh - Mosaic Exclusive Edition 2017 (95)
Tulip - Black Tulip 2017 (95)
Yarden - Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 (95)
You can see the full list of 69 wines here (and learn about each of them as well):
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