I sleep terribly and it has gotten acutely worse during the last several months [I'm writing this post at 130AM]. And I know there are lot of you like me out there, especially during these uncertain times as numerous studies and surveys have shown has shown that more and more people are having trouble getting "a good night's sleep." If you are like me, you might benefit from some of these incredible Israeli solutions. https://www.israel21c.org/israeli-solutions-to-help-you-sleep-soundly-during-difficult-times/
Of course if you want to check out Israel's hi-tech scene in person, you should be in touch with me, your tour guide of Israel, about an Israel tech tour - or just including an intro to the startup nation during your next trip. https://www.tourguideofisrael.com/hi-tech-tours
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And check out - and share - my videos on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCli9MpzZdJHSeiDXNFjM5QA
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